Hey GMSW! This is Brother ________ from the Bishopric...

Friday I was on my way to pick up my roommate from the airport when my phone rang. It was a number I didn't recognize. I answered it and it turned out to be the 1st Counselor in the Bishopric. He wanted to meet with me on Sunday (today) during Sunday School. 

A couple of thoughts crossed my mind. I'm in the same Ward as I was in last semester so the Bishopric already knows me pretty well (not about the gay stuff, but just where I'm at spiritually). Since today was the first Sunday of the semester, I figured they were going to give me a calling. 

What scared me is that they don't give out Ward Greeter the first Sunday of the semester. This is when they give out the big callings. I could literally be called to be the new Elders Quorum President, Executive Secretary, Sunday School Teacher. All of these callings call for a lot of time, devotion, and in my opinion serious righteousness and spirituality.

I met with the Bishop and the 1st Counselor. Turns out they want me to teach Sunday School. They told me they take their Sunday School teachers very seriously and hand pick them. They believe they have a profound impact and make-it-or-break-it influence on young single adults.

While flattering and cool to think about, my anxiety set in. My mother has been Stake Young Women's President, Relief Society President, Gospel Doctrine Teacher, etc. She is stalwart. She spends hours upon hours preparing her lessons. Her Gospel Doctrine class was usually full to capacity and at time standing room only. She had this way of spiritually reaching people and truly having an impact on their lives and their thinking. 

It's quite intimidating when people compare my own spirituality to hers. I know I do it myself. I have such high expectations. I want to be able to have a Sunday School Class that people look forward to coming to. I don't want it to be boring. I want to be able to feel the spirit and convey the things that the Lord would have me to reach those in need. 

Not only do I want to reach others, but I want this calling to better myself. I want to take this opportunity to improve my relationship with my Heavenly Father and to listen more carefully for the still small whisperings of the Holy Ghost. I want to get to know the scriptures better. This calling though stressful, is not a curse but a blessing. I guess we will see where this goes.



  1. You'll do a great job! It will be great experience for you, and likely get you studying as hard or harder than on your mission.

    1. Thank you for your confidence Derek! I appreciate it. I'm sure gonna try.


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